Subjects Taught

We teach: Salvation by the Grace of God alone, through the washing of Jesus Chist abd being Born Again of His Spirit; Water Baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; Living a holy life, separated from sin as a result of a new birth; The baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues; That the whole bible from Gensis to Revelation is the true Word of God; That the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the Church today; The literal second comming of Christ to Rapture His Church and to set up His Kingdom; Other school Activities; Evangelistic services on weekends; Children’s work; Services on Various First Nations.

First Year Term:

Bible Doctrine, Bible Contruction, Christian Training, Jonh, Acts, Romans, False Cults, Personal Evangelism, Child Evangelism

Second Year Term:

Bible Doctrine, Bible Construction, Christian Training, John, Acts, Romans, Bible Prophecy, the Work of the Ministry

Third Year Term:

Bible Doctrine, Bible Construction, Christian Training, John, Acts, Ephesians, Church History

Who May Go?

  • Those who are born again by the washing of the blood of Jesus Christ and by the work of His Holy Spirit.
  • Those who are living a separated Christian life.
  • Those who want to be further prepared in the word and in the Spirit of God for His Work.
  • Those who are 17 years of age or older.
  • Those who have been serving the Lord steadily for at least 6 months.

Want to Attend?

If you are interested in attending Bible School email with the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Age
  • Church you attend
  • Marriage Status
  • Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour?
  • If so, are you living for Jesus a Holy life?
  • How long have you been serving the Lord?
  • Have you bee filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of Speaking in Tongues?
  • Do you agree to obey the rules of the School by the help of God?
  • Your Testimoney
  • Two references, Pastors or Missonaries, and a means to contact them (Phone/Address)

You will be informed by mail if you have been accepted.